These messages are the outcome and essence of the dream sequences of Saibanisa reflecting Sai Philosophy and high thinking. They carry a sense of deep meaning and generally are thought provoking, enough to start one’s thinking process. - Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY 1)My children are flying the kites (aspirations) and I am the chakri (bobin) in the hands of my children which will be used to keep the twine (life) in order.
2) You need not go to Haridwar to have the darshan of ‘Hari’as Hari is in shirdi. You need not go to shiridi to have the ‘darshan’ of hari. Hari is in the temple. You need not go to the temple to have the darshan of Hari. Hari is in your mind. Open the ‘dwar’ (gates) of your mind and have the darshan of hari.
3)In the process of earning money, If you deviate from the good path it will be bad for your life. In the process of earning blessings from the God, If you deviate from the bad path, it will be good for your life.
4) The cool breeze from the divine ocean of ‘sai’ does not discriminate between the people living in high rise buildings and low level hutments. It effects them similarly.
5) Both rich and poor equally experience the sweet taste of cherry fruit. So also with the divine love of 'sai'.
6) For a man on the path of divinity, the desire for money is of nuisance value. Earn money to the extent required to sustain the physical body.
7) I accept the fasting you under take in my devotion, provided you offer the day’s food to the needy ( hungry person).
8) Peace of mind does not flow from liquor or toddy. Peace comes only after all the responsibilities of life are fulfilled and continuous ‘nama parayana of Sai’, is under taken.
9) The last rites of an orphan performed are equivalent to thousand dips taken in sacred rivers. Purity of heart is same as visit to a holly place.
10) The desire for money and materials is transforming saviors of lives into its detractors. It is then I shall guard and protect my devotees from their clutches.
11) Victory and defeat are the two sides of the same coin. Wrestling was organized during ‘Sree Ramanavami’ festival only to preach that both are same and inseparable.
12) Man does not mind falling at the feet of any body for the sake of worldly pleasures. None realize and understand when I say that only ‘Lotus feet of lord’ can grant what you need and require.
13) Never hate the rich or ill treat the poor. They are the result of karmic deeds of the previous births. Therefore act now for reaping better fruits in the next birth of life cycle.
14) Speaking to bygone friends is like replay of old memories. They belong to the past and are unsuitable to be the present.
15) Head of the family can cater equally to the needs of all his dependants. But when they are full of greed and mutual hatred, They cannot be loyal to earn confidence of the head. Do not give importance, as it is the way of the World.
16) Trust in god was always my preaching. I propagated that belief makes the building block in life and now a part of the soil of shiridi. If you believe in this, make your own building with this block and receive divine blessings.
17) Illness and injury to the body are always painful- limited to physical body only. The duty of the soul shall be to reduce the body's discomfort and pacify the body just as a mother consoles a crying child.
18) Clothing and application of fragrances over the body are only superficial, neither their application nor removal make any difference to the soul. Sorrow and happiness signify the state of mind and are relative feelings. If you are searching for the ultimate happiness and wisdom, come to me for my guidance to show you the path.
19) Some people with ‘Yogasiddhi’ can subject their bodies to the extremes like freezing ice or burning fire with equal ease, where as a ‘gnani’ - the elevated soul dedicates his body, soul and energies in the services of the almighty to become a ‘yogi’.
20) Come to me with all your ignorance and without any attachment to self. I shall remove ‘agnana’ (ignorance) and kindle the light of wisdom and a sense of duty.
21) Pain and agony to the heart are caused by thieves stealing your money and property, where as progress in ‘adhyatma’ (spiritualism) will lead to Lord’s grace and bless you with real pleasure and happiness.
22) Life with wife is like sweet sugar. Adultry is like diabeties to the body. Why invite such a situation to spoil your life?
23) If you want to forget the past, keep yourself away from the people in the past. Do not let their association spoil the present and the future with bitter past.
24) I served my two sons with one glass of the same raw milk. One of them consumed straight and could feel the presence of ‘Branman’. The other son had the patience to boil, cool and made curds out of it. He churned the curds, extracted butter out of it and made ‘pure ghee’ (clarified butter). With this ghee, he lit the ‘lights of wisdom’ and could see ‘Parabrahman’
25) Materials and money attract friends like ants clinging to Jaggery. Where as spiritualism in you draws the attention of 'Samardha Sadhguru’ who would put you on the path of righteousness to attain eternal bliss.
21-11- 1995
26) When you taste the nectar or true bliss, do not confine it to yourself. Pass it on to others without adulteration and claiming returns.
27) Preaching my Philosophy in high sounding words would confine it to few fish in a well of sweet water. On the other hand preaching in simple language would be received in large numbers like fish in an Ocean.
28) ‘Vedas’, ‘Upanishads’, and ‘Shastras’ are all sacred and like pure rivers ultimately mix up with the Sea. Living a midst the ‘Ocean of Sai’ and searching for them has no meaning.
29) There is no point in counting the number of times ‘Satcharitra’ is read, what matters most is the feel of experience and incidents which help to remove ‘ahankara’ (ego).
30) A kiss to the children of your Master pleases him, whereas a kiss to the children of God please me the most.
31) Things in the materialistic world tend to induce self- centerdness, while taste of ‘Adhyatma’ inculcates that every thing around us belongs to God and is his creation.
32) Do not sing in praise of rich. Sing your song in praise of "LORD" in front of him.
28th July 1995
33) Keep away from a wealthy man full of EGO, and a beautiful woman with perverted thoughts.
30th August 1995
34) You only know what I told in the court of "DHULIA" but what you do not know is that I worked as a priest in the "HOUSE OF LORD KRISHNA" (GARGAMUNI).
5th September 1995
35) "GOD" created "ATMA" the number is fixed which neither increases, nor decreases, when it leaves the physical body it finds another dwelling and enters in to it i.e., a new Body or Form. The process of creation is endless.
5th September 1995
36) In the divine path there are no witnesses and proofs. Only the feelings and experiences are everlasting.
5th September 1995
37) Just as you insure property and earnings, in the same way thrive, earn and insure for the grace of "LORD". I shall help in merging "ATMA with PARAMATMA"
31st October 1995
38) "WAALI" (Vanara King from the epic Ramayana) with the garland of "ARISHADVARGAS" (six evils) has ruined himself. Renounce them and be a garland to "GOD"
2nd November 1995
39) In difficult times carry "SATCHARITA" with you. It will ward of all the evils, grant strength and energy, to surmount them. It will keep you serene.
14th December 1995
40) Do not take help from the rich and women to avenge your enemy. Keeping aloof and forgetting the enemy is the most ideal punishment.
27th December 1995
41) You turn richer when you serve a thirsty rich person with much needed water without any envy and anticipation of returns.
29th December 1995
42) Possession of "ARISHADVARGAS" is like cancer to the physical body. Remove them from the roots to live with peace.
30th December 1995
43) Once born "DEATH" follows you like shadow how long can you run away from it? Do not be scared of the shadow.
2nd January 1996
44) When thieves rob your house you complain to the police. Think where do you complain when affections and attachments totally engulf your mind and heart?
11th January 1996
45) While in search of the ultimate, depend only on yourself. At the end, the experience would be that of sweet water drawn from a well. Depending on others will be like chasing a "MIRAGE" rudderless .
13th January 1996
46) Let "TIME" be your only binding force. Complete all your responsibilities in time . Be cautious not to get entangled into personal lives and affections of those benefitted in that process.
30th January 1996
47) You may display your riches to the society. But never exhibit in public the "GRACE of LORD". It is unpardonable.
5th February 1996
48) Do not fall prey to those who claim to gift you with "SADHGATHI" (Attainment of Lord). It is to be obtained only by self efforts. "GRACE OF LORD" can only grant it.
5th February 1996
49) Just as a prematurely delivered baby has no option to re-enter the mother's womb, once born it is imperative to complete all the assigned duties and responsibilities. It is also impossible to make every one to live for hundred years.
6th January 1993
50) Man can fly an aircraft safely so long as there is sufficient fuel in it for landing. Clinging to power and position till the last moment in one’s life is like flying the aircraft keeping no fuel for landing.
8th April 1996
Sai Banisa's Mission:"To help Sri Shirdi Sai devotees in realising that Sai lives in their Heart."